Papillion for Fenians

The Catalpa Rescue by Peter FitzSimons

Back in the 1860’s a gang of Irishmen under the leadership of James Stephens were rounded up for plotting a Rising and sentenced to penal servitude in Western Australia. Some were pardoned after a number of years but those who had been members of the British army were considered particularly despicable and expected to rot in Freemantle jail.

catalpaThis rip-roaring tale is presented as real history and despite the partisan writing I believe it to be true enough. It presents a band of Irish patriots, including John Devoy, who decide the gesture of rescuing these men is worth the danger of being caught themselves and the outrageous cost involved in buying a ship and sailing to the other side of the planet. One lunatic who wanted to be in the mission, but was rejected, even gets there under his own steam!  Their plan is naive but it works and their exploit is celebrated in America, Australia and Ireland to the chagrin of the Brits. It is mystifying and deeply heart-warming to read how much personal risk ordinary men with no stake in the affair were prepared to take.

The writing style is, to say the least, tabloid but I couldn’t help enjoying it just the same. I’d say it’s perfect lockdown reading.

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