The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch

Beginning of Infinity

David Deutsch is a Professor of Physics at Oxford University, expert on Quantum Computation and proponent of the theory of the multiverse but his interests – and this book – go far outside the realm of physics and even science.


Why I Like it: Some books challenge your outlook – this one challenged mine more than most and in a very uplifting way.  Yes it’s a science book but also much more.  History, Philosophy, Ecology and Political Science.  Is man “A chemical scum on an average planet of a typical star on the fringes of a galaxy?” (Hawkins) – Deutsch argues convincingly that conscious beings are cosmically hugely significant.

It’s a very wide ranging book  –  some parts I’ve read with delight several time – others I’ve skimmed or not read at all.  Most of it is very accessible to the general reader – some a bit more difficult. Really interesting stuff on ecology, environmentalists, democracy, the scientific method, evolution, physics (of course), art

Above all,  this is a hugely positive book.  In fact he argues very convincingly that not only have we reason to take an optimistic approach to life but we have a duty to do so.

Really not your average science book