Justice for all

Facial Justice –  L.P. Hartley  

A third world war almost eliminates the human race. A new society evolves in the UK.  A society not as overtly authoritarian as that in 1984 nor as programmed as that in Brave New World. Justice is the goal and envy and privilege are banned. Of course, someone has to set standards and make decisions for the common good and so, an anonymous but not unloved ‘Dear Dictator’ runs the society. 

Clothing and faces are standardised. Personality must be controlled so as to avoid creating envy. Faces are graded with Alpha being the best.  The main character, Jael 97, is a ‘failed’ Alpha and the pressure is mounting for her to have a procedure to downgrade her looks to Beta. This procedure eventually takes place and she ends up being Betafied against her will.  Jael 97’s reaction to the operation starts her on a journey which ultimately leads to major consequences for society. 

I thought this was a slow read and probably just about worth the effort.

One thought on “Justice for all

  1. Based on your review, I won’t be trying it. I did like 1984 and Brave New World. One I’d recommend which is not quite dystopian is Inverted World by Christoper Priest. It describes a fascinating world/society where the people accept norms caused by what I considered to be a kind of mass hysteria. The actual revelation of why their world is as it is was one of the best denouements I have read.


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